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Strategy by XRumer

Running a site with the help of the XRumer program is one of the methods of website promotion that is widely used in the SEO industry. Hrumer is a program that helps automate the process of website promotion, allowing you to quickly and efficiently complete tasks such as collecting keywords, checking traffic, etc.

Tariff plans,
which correspond
to your needs

30 $

  • ✅ Increase in traffic to your site, a few weeks after the run
  • ✅ Order fulfillment within 48 hours
  • ✅ Providing a report to your email
  • ✅ Consultation
  • ✅ Potential increase in traffic to your site
Choose a plan No hidden fees

120 $

  • ✅ Large databases of sites, more than 200 million, which have high rates of IKS, Alexia Rank
  • ✅ Order fulfillment within 30 days
  • ✅ Providing a report to your email
  • ✅ Consultation
  • ✅ Optimal increase in traffic to your site
Choose a plan No hidden fees

Contact us through the form on the Contacts page or via WhatsApp and we will help you choose a tariff

WhatsApp 24/7 +7 911 827-00-02

Running a site with XRumer includes the following steps:

  1. Collection of keywords. XRumer helps you quickly and efficiently collect keywords that can be used to promote your site.
  2. Analysis of competitors. With XRumer, you can analyze your competitors and find out what keywords they use to promote their sites.
  3. Content creation. XRumer helps to create unique content for the site that matches the given keywords.
  4. Checking traffic. XRumer also allows you to check website traffic to find out which pages get the most visitors..

Running a site with XRumer can help improve your site's position in search engines, increase its traffic, and increase the number of potential customers. However, it should not be forgotten that the use of XRumer may entail the risk of violating the rules of search engines such as Google, which can lead to penalties and a decrease in the site's ranking.

Therefore, if you decide to use XRumer to promote your site, you need to be careful and follow the rules of search engines. Also, don't forget that using XRumer is just one method of website promotion and you shouldn't rely on it completely to achieve SEO success.